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Highest quality standards are achieved through the implementations of latest technology, decades of experience and everlasting moral values , which have helped us to retain our customers as well as multiply them.


Rubber Rollers Sleeves Mandrels

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Rossini is a world leader and pioneer for Rubber Rollers, Sleeves& Mandrels for the printing and flexible packaging converting industry. Rossini Spa of Italy headquartered in Milan established in 1928 and having grown over the years due to innovation and quality today have factories in L'Aquila(Italy), Atlanta(USA), Barcelona(Spain), Sao Paulo(Brazil) Timisoara (Rumania) and the latest addition being in Pune (India).They also have sales offices network in Shenzen(China), UK, France, Germany thus offering technical support to customers worldwide. 

Our Vision

* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
3 Side Seal Pouches, 5750W, Anilox And Plate And Parts Cleaning Equipments, Anilox Cleaner, Anilox Rolls, Anilox Sleeve, Automatic Form Fill Machinery, Automatic Form Fill Seal Machinery, Automatic Packaging Machinery, Bags On A Roll, Bread Bags, Carbobridge Sleeve, Carrier Sleeve, Cylinder Cleaning Equipment, Cylinder Cleaning Equipment And Parts Washer, Cylinder Parts Washer, Deli Bags, Everglass Sleeve, Evergreen Sleeve, Everstat Sleeve, Fill And Seal Machinery, Flexible Packaging Machinery, Flexible Packing Machinery, Folded And Stacked Trash Bags, Form Fill And Seal Machinery, Form Fill Machine, Form Fill Seal Machinery, Form Filling Machinery, Form Sealing Machinery, Horizontal Form Fill And Seal Machine, Horizontal Form Fill Seal Machinery, Horizontal Form Filling Machinery, Horizontal Pouch Filling Machinery, Hygiene Bags, Inno Lok, Laser Solutions, Merchandise Bags, Photoflex Sleeve, Plate Washer, Pouch Packing Machinery, Pouch Sealing Machinery, Pouches Fill And Seal Machinery, Pouches Filling Machinery, Products, Rubber Mandrels, Rubber Rollers Sleeves Mandrels, Rubber Sleeves, Security Pouches, Servo Pouch Sup 750, Side Gusset Bottom Seal Pouch Machine, Sleeves Carriers Mandrels, Stand Up Pouches, Starcoat Sleeve, Thin Sleeve, Vertical Form Fill And Seal Machinery, Vertical Form Fill Machinery, Vertical Form Fill Seal Machinery, Vertical Form Filling Machinery